How far along? 8wk3d
Maternity clothes? Not exactly..But I did have to buy some "looser" shirts last week. Some of my tshirts and dressier shirts are a little snug across the belly area and a lot snug in the boob area. I defn. have the start of a bump.
Body Oddities? More round ligament pain..and I thought I had morning (or in my case) all day sickness bad the last 2 weeks?!, very pronounced basically starting exactly on day 1 of wk 8. I am not a fan. I feel sick about 22hrs a day. And tap water makes me throw up, so Im sticking w/my juice, lemonade, & Diet Sunkist.
Sleep? Fatigue is back in a big way this week. I had a couple of days that I felt pretty good, but now, tired all the time. Yawning all the time. But sleep hasn't been as sound as it's been interrupted 2-3x a night by needing to pee and or dry heave. Fun.
Best moment this week? Getting to 8wks. It's the little milestones that make me so happy. And your dad thinks you can hear him, so he talks to my belly (you) all the time. He'll probably be the first voice you recognize. Also, we get to see you again Monday, so that will probably be the "best" moment of week 8. Oh, and your daddy got accepted in the State Police academy!!! That is such a weight lifted from our we will be financially stable and you can be more spoiled ;)
Worst moment? The incessant nausea. And craving bad things, like pizza & pasta. Im gonna be a blimp, and Im betting those will be your favorite foods as well =)
Movement? Still, nothing I can feel. But my little updates say you are "constantly moving." So awesome. Can't wait til I can feel you myself.
Food cravings? I had my first real "craving" on Thursday night. I wanted chili cheese fries something awful, so dad took me to DQ and i had those & a chili cheese hot dog. You were a fan =)
Rings? Same as last week, still on, no finger swolleness.
Gender? Still, no idea. Im waffling. This week, it feels like a boy.
Intense Dreams? Yep, and still weird. A couple of nightmares the past few days, and a few where I needed to pee in my sleep so bad that I woke up and had to use the restroom.
Medical Concerns? Not really concerns, since Dr. J's office calls me back so quickly. The RLP and achiness are normal, the nausea is concerning, along w/my inability to drink water, but I'll talk to Dr. J about that on Monday.
What I miss? Meat. Im pretty much protein free right now. I can't even stomach looking at most meats. I did manage to get down half a spicy italian sub from Subway last night, but it made me nauseated about 2hrs later.
What I look forward to: Seeing you Monday, and getting to double digits (that happens August 4th) and finding out what you are =) Oh and looking pregnant and not just fat.
Emotional State? I am not a crier, so when I well up at stupid stuff, your dad, still, just laughs. Oh, and I can't take any BS. Very moody, cranky. Ugh. But I love it all!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
X-Ray Vision
Sometimes I wish I had it so I could look in on you and make sure everything is okay..Sometimes, I find myself almost forgetting that Im pregnant..But then, the symptoms kick back in & I remember. Plus, you are making yourself known little frog..mommy's got a bump. Small, but noticeable. Ambitious, I think so. We are scheduled to see you again 1wk from tomorrow..So you better be okay, just doing your thing, moving around etc. Your grandparents "met" you today. We took them your first picture (from almost 2 weeks ago!!) and grandma said you were a cute pea pod and grandpa thought that you were really neat. That's pretty big praise from them. And grandma was telling everyone about you at the reunion today, and what a hard road it's been to get you..and how you are a miracle. She was pretty pumped=)
Okay, mommy is exhausted from being in the car and being social all you!!
Okay, mommy is exhausted from being in the car and being social all you!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Funny Symptoms
So I feel kind of bad posting all my PG stuff on my regular blog, because I know a lot my "followers" are ttc and I know how I felt reading about other's pregnancies, when I was struggling myself. And I respect them, and so Im gonna post that kind of stuff here =)
Baby, you are giving me all kinds of symptoms. It's so cool to have them, even the ucky ones. A new one I discovered last night, Spree's give me vicious heartburn..omg. It's ridiculous..but I love them, so I put up w/the heartburn. Our doggy (Allie) ate my TUMS about a week ago, and I still haven't gotten replacements. Ugh. But it's funny too. Other things that give me heartburn, spaghetti w/any kind of red sauce, anything containing tomatoes (ketchup, salsa) and I really haven't eaten any kind of red sauce for 2-3wks. Pizza seems to sit a little better, but I feel nauseated after I eat it. Oh, and milk=heartburn city, good thing I only eat it w/really healthy stuff like Oreos or cinnamon rolls =) Other symptoms, all day sickness. It kicked in hardcore right at 7wks. I had a puke episode a few Tuesday's ago, but so far, not another one. But I am nasuseated all day long. And I've realized I have to basically snack all day, and Wheat-Thins are a girls best friend. Im pretty much completely over my love affair w/Diet Sprite, and I've moved on to pink lemonade & Diet Sunkist. Mhmm!! Oh, and orange fused strawberry Sunny D..Delish!! I've been exceptionally thirsty the last week, which has led to exceptionally a lot of peeing. I've been getting up 2-3x a night since 5.5wks. It seems to be picking up though more during the day. Im sure it will just be worse as you get bigger..Can't wait, seriously. That's what indoor plumbing is for. Although, tomorrow, we are going to a family reunion, and it's a 4hr. car ride. Mommy may have to take a can or Also, I am having BIG food aversions. I haven't even been able to look at chicken, of any kind, since week 5. And I miss it!! But when I think about it raw, I gag. Then this week, all meat went out of the window. I don't want any meat of any kind. NONE!! I got a salad today, and there was ham & turkey on it, and I had to pick it off. So nasty. Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. Tomorrow, at the reunion, we are having a cook-out, so what is momma gonna eat? Im gonna have to take a box of Wheat-Thins and some mac & cheese. Ugh, I can't even imagine the smell of hotdogs & hamburgers cooking. Yikes. Your dad cannot believe my food aversions, and how I can't even look at the food if someone else is eating it. Such as, yesterday, we went to a buffet (not the best decision w/my ick stomach) and dad had spare ribs, I had to look anywhere but at him, and then had to cover the left-overs w/a napkin. And I've also realized that if I don't eat when Im hungry, I get really, really sick to my stomach. And small meals or snacks seem to do the job during the day. But today, I have been STARVING. I've eaten pretty healthy, but I just can't get full. And then, when my stomach feels empty, the sick feeling starts all over. Oh, and on the nasty side...gross poops like clockwork every morning. I'll take that for the next 7mos over vomitting any day. But dude, it's shows that you are there, and it makes me happy.
Also, this isn't really a symptom, but I already have a small bump, and I know it's not fat. Im fat in my belly area (mostly fat, 25% from the injections/bruising), but you are from the top of my pubic area to below my bellybutton, and there's a layer of fat, but underneath, it's hard, and there is no "sucking it in." It's pretty awesome. I've looked at some friends pics, and they all had a bump by 8wks, and we're almost there (I can't believe it!!!) Hopefully, I don't look too ginormous tomorrow, and get the "are sure your only 7.5wks" or "are there 2 in there." Ugh, should've lost more weight before getting PG. Oh well. I'll just slap those people. Oh and baby, you have made me completely unable to put up w/bullshit. I absolutely cannot handle it, and I can smell it a mile away. I don't have time for people acting like a-holes. I haven't come out and landblasted anybody, but that may happen soon, as the hormones continuing going up. Oh, and I cry at anything Home Makeover or someone being voted off America's Got Talent. Lovely. Your dad snickers at me..Grr.
Okay, my mac & cheese is almost done and your telling me Im hungry. Love you!!
Baby, you are giving me all kinds of symptoms. It's so cool to have them, even the ucky ones. A new one I discovered last night, Spree's give me vicious heartburn..omg. It's ridiculous..but I love them, so I put up w/the heartburn. Our doggy (Allie) ate my TUMS about a week ago, and I still haven't gotten replacements. Ugh. But it's funny too. Other things that give me heartburn, spaghetti w/any kind of red sauce, anything containing tomatoes (ketchup, salsa) and I really haven't eaten any kind of red sauce for 2-3wks. Pizza seems to sit a little better, but I feel nauseated after I eat it. Oh, and milk=heartburn city, good thing I only eat it w/really healthy stuff like Oreos or cinnamon rolls =) Other symptoms, all day sickness. It kicked in hardcore right at 7wks. I had a puke episode a few Tuesday's ago, but so far, not another one. But I am nasuseated all day long. And I've realized I have to basically snack all day, and Wheat-Thins are a girls best friend. Im pretty much completely over my love affair w/Diet Sprite, and I've moved on to pink lemonade & Diet Sunkist. Mhmm!! Oh, and orange fused strawberry Sunny D..Delish!! I've been exceptionally thirsty the last week, which has led to exceptionally a lot of peeing. I've been getting up 2-3x a night since 5.5wks. It seems to be picking up though more during the day. Im sure it will just be worse as you get bigger..Can't wait, seriously. That's what indoor plumbing is for. Although, tomorrow, we are going to a family reunion, and it's a 4hr. car ride. Mommy may have to take a can or Also, I am having BIG food aversions. I haven't even been able to look at chicken, of any kind, since week 5. And I miss it!! But when I think about it raw, I gag. Then this week, all meat went out of the window. I don't want any meat of any kind. NONE!! I got a salad today, and there was ham & turkey on it, and I had to pick it off. So nasty. Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. Tomorrow, at the reunion, we are having a cook-out, so what is momma gonna eat? Im gonna have to take a box of Wheat-Thins and some mac & cheese. Ugh, I can't even imagine the smell of hotdogs & hamburgers cooking. Yikes. Your dad cannot believe my food aversions, and how I can't even look at the food if someone else is eating it. Such as, yesterday, we went to a buffet (not the best decision w/my ick stomach) and dad had spare ribs, I had to look anywhere but at him, and then had to cover the left-overs w/a napkin. And I've also realized that if I don't eat when Im hungry, I get really, really sick to my stomach. And small meals or snacks seem to do the job during the day. But today, I have been STARVING. I've eaten pretty healthy, but I just can't get full. And then, when my stomach feels empty, the sick feeling starts all over. Oh, and on the nasty side...gross poops like clockwork every morning. I'll take that for the next 7mos over vomitting any day. But dude, it's shows that you are there, and it makes me happy.
Also, this isn't really a symptom, but I already have a small bump, and I know it's not fat. Im fat in my belly area (mostly fat, 25% from the injections/bruising), but you are from the top of my pubic area to below my bellybutton, and there's a layer of fat, but underneath, it's hard, and there is no "sucking it in." It's pretty awesome. I've looked at some friends pics, and they all had a bump by 8wks, and we're almost there (I can't believe it!!!) Hopefully, I don't look too ginormous tomorrow, and get the "are sure your only 7.5wks" or "are there 2 in there." Ugh, should've lost more weight before getting PG. Oh well. I'll just slap those people. Oh and baby, you have made me completely unable to put up w/bullshit. I absolutely cannot handle it, and I can smell it a mile away. I don't have time for people acting like a-holes. I haven't come out and landblasted anybody, but that may happen soon, as the hormones continuing going up. Oh, and I cry at anything Home Makeover or someone being voted off America's Got Talent. Lovely. Your dad snickers at me..Grr.
Okay, my mac & cheese is almost done and your telling me Im hungry. Love you!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
7 weeks!!!
How far along? 7wks0d
Maternity clothes? Nope, but it's a good thing I get to wear scrubs everyday..My belly is still swollen and tender..and after I eat, even if it is a small meal, ugh, I look 80 months PG.
Body Oddities? Well, this week, I actually experienced my first bout w/"round ligament pain." I didn't know that's what it was, and it was really uncomfortable. I can't believe my body is already growing to accomodate you Frogster. I thought that only happened like when you got big, BIG. Apparently, not.
Sleep? Umm, I crave it. Like other people crave certain foods, I am actually craving sleep. I just feel exhausted..I made DH go out and buy black-out curtains for our room so I could sleep better. We have 72in. windows and the sun just blazes in all the time and makes the room about 10 degrees hotter then the rest of the house. The curtains are a miracle. I'd marry them if I could =)
Best moment this week? You're "urgent" ultrasound on Monday. After feeling the pains, I figured something was really wrong...I talked to Dr.J and he explained what was going on, but for my peace of mind he wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. So during the ultrasound, I got to see you again (still, most photogenic baby EVER) and then there was this sound..Loud & fast..And it was YOUR heartbeat!!! I couldn't believe it. I just giggled, it was so surreal. I have 2 heartbeats..Mine & yours. I wish daddy had been there, but he will be there for our next appt. It was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. Your heartbeat is a beautiful sound.
Worst moment? The scared-ness of the round ligament pain, but after Dr. J (and Dr. Google) explained it, I felt better...and it was pretty cool that you are making yourself known in so many ways, so early.
Movement? Not that I can feel, but my updates tell me that you are moving all the time..I can't wait to feel you!!
Food cravings? CARBS!! Bring it on. But it depends on the day, the nausea has been really bad the past few days..Oh, and donuts!!
Rings? Same as last week, still on, no finger swolleness.
Gender? Not a clue..But now, Im kind of leaning towards girl..but my gut says it's a guy!!
Intense Dreams? Yes. And weird. Like dreaming about people I went to high school or college with. People I haven't seen in 5-8 years. Odd.
Medical Concerns? Not really, each ultrasound makes me feel more positive, like this is really happening!!
What I miss? I still sometimes have a craving for chicken nuggets, but then I see them, and that's it. I don't even miss it really anymore, it just grosses me out for some reason. Oh, and coloring my hair. Now we'll all know what color hair I *really* have..=)
What I look forward to: Seeing you again on July 26th..We'll be almost 9wks..and getting to 12 weeks. And finding out what you are..I didn't know if we were going too, but now, I can't wait..I want to know SO bad!!
Emotional State? Umm, if it's emotional, I start crying. That's all there is to it. Someone tells a sad story? Tears. Someone gets kicked off Hell's Kitchen? Tears. Your daddy just cracks up. So dumb =)
Maternity clothes? Nope, but it's a good thing I get to wear scrubs everyday..My belly is still swollen and tender..and after I eat, even if it is a small meal, ugh, I look 80 months PG.
Body Oddities? Well, this week, I actually experienced my first bout w/"round ligament pain." I didn't know that's what it was, and it was really uncomfortable. I can't believe my body is already growing to accomodate you Frogster. I thought that only happened like when you got big, BIG. Apparently, not.
Sleep? Umm, I crave it. Like other people crave certain foods, I am actually craving sleep. I just feel exhausted..I made DH go out and buy black-out curtains for our room so I could sleep better. We have 72in. windows and the sun just blazes in all the time and makes the room about 10 degrees hotter then the rest of the house. The curtains are a miracle. I'd marry them if I could =)
Best moment this week? You're "urgent" ultrasound on Monday. After feeling the pains, I figured something was really wrong...I talked to Dr.J and he explained what was going on, but for my peace of mind he wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. So during the ultrasound, I got to see you again (still, most photogenic baby EVER) and then there was this sound..Loud & fast..And it was YOUR heartbeat!!! I couldn't believe it. I just giggled, it was so surreal. I have 2 heartbeats..Mine & yours. I wish daddy had been there, but he will be there for our next appt. It was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. Your heartbeat is a beautiful sound.
Worst moment? The scared-ness of the round ligament pain, but after Dr. J (and Dr. Google) explained it, I felt better...and it was pretty cool that you are making yourself known in so many ways, so early.
Movement? Not that I can feel, but my updates tell me that you are moving all the time..I can't wait to feel you!!
Food cravings? CARBS!! Bring it on. But it depends on the day, the nausea has been really bad the past few days..Oh, and donuts!!
Rings? Same as last week, still on, no finger swolleness.
Gender? Not a clue..But now, Im kind of leaning towards girl..but my gut says it's a guy!!
Intense Dreams? Yes. And weird. Like dreaming about people I went to high school or college with. People I haven't seen in 5-8 years. Odd.
Medical Concerns? Not really, each ultrasound makes me feel more positive, like this is really happening!!
What I miss? I still sometimes have a craving for chicken nuggets, but then I see them, and that's it. I don't even miss it really anymore, it just grosses me out for some reason. Oh, and coloring my hair. Now we'll all know what color hair I *really* have..=)
What I look forward to: Seeing you again on July 26th..We'll be almost 9wks..and getting to 12 weeks. And finding out what you are..I didn't know if we were going too, but now, I can't wait..I want to know SO bad!!
Emotional State? Umm, if it's emotional, I start crying. That's all there is to it. Someone tells a sad story? Tears. Someone gets kicked off Hell's Kitchen? Tears. Your daddy just cracks up. So dumb =)
Friday, July 9, 2010
6wk 2d
How far along? 6wk2d
Maternity clothes? Nope, but my belly has been severely bloated and tender. Nurse Laurie told me that the bloatyness should go down by week 7-8 and that my belly is so swollen because of the shots. Durrrr.
Body Oddities? Still, boobies. They are getting huge fast. I've gone up a cup size in 6wks. And I *just* bought new pretty bras on vacation. I refuse to get more until I have too. But I must say, the cleavage, nice. And, my whole abdomen/boob area is pretty tender, more so then last week. IDK. But it's all for the good!! Oh, and my nipples, way darker and bigger. So weird!!
Sleep? So the fatigue went away for about 48 hrs, and came back w/a VENGEANCE today. I've already taken a 2.5 hr nap and Im headed to bed after I post this. I seem to be getting up 1-2x a night to pee. Never have I ever had to do this before..Love it!!
Best moment this week? For sure, the ultrasound yesterday. It was amazing. And so surreal. Like, I can't believe this is happening. I actually have a baby inside my body. And Nurse Laurie saying things like "perfect" and "beautiful." Seeing our baby, a milestone we've never gotten to before!!
Worst moment? Vomitting. I hate vomitting. Seriously. I'll hold it in as long as I can. But Tuesday morning, there was to be none of that. And all day nausea. DH & I went out to dinner tonight and I ordered food that I usually like, couldn't eat but 2 bites of it before I felt sick. Ugh. But totally worth it.
Movement? Same as last week, but I can't feel it.
Food cravings? Pasta, apples, & cauliflower w/red wine vinagerrette dressing. I know.
Rings? Same as last week. Still on, no swolleness yet.
Gender? No clue. But I still feel like it's a guy, while everyone else seems to think it's a gal.
Intense Dreams? Still very vivid, and this week, turned sexually times =)
Medical Concerns? Just the bloaty-ness and the bruising. Besides that, everything seems to be going well. And as previously mentioned, the U/S set aside my fears for the baby..for now.
What I miss? Chicken!! I still can't even stand LOOKING at it, let alone smelling or eating it.
What I look forward to: Seeing Froggalicious again on July 19th!! And getting to 12 weeks (on August 18th, but who's counting?)
Emotional State? I cried at the America's Got Talent that pretty much answers that.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
You Are So Photogenic!!
Froggalicious!! We got to see you today!! You are GORGEOUS!! We are biased though..But everyone at mommy's office thinks the same thing. Everyone except me thinks you are a girl..We'll have to see in about 14 weeks. Right around mommy & daddy's anniversary!! Today was the first time I considered myself pregnant..We get to see you again on July 19th..I'll be almost 8wks, and Nurse Laurie said we'll get to see your heartbeat..So just keep growing..We are ecstatic!! We even got a special picture frame for your first picture, and then one for each of your grandparents..Well, actually, you have 3 sets of grandparents, but they didn't have 3 frames. I don't want this pregnancy to go by too fast, but I'd love to get to 12wks quickly. Then I can breathe a little bit easier. We love you!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Oh Little Froggy
We love you so, so much. Momma is so scared about the ultrasound tomorrow. Im always afraid that being too stressed, or angry, or not eating enough, or too much, or bad decisions I've made in the past will effect you. I know most of that is ridiculous. In fact, you made yourself very well known w/the barf-fest this morning and the all day nausea. But Im nervous. I want you to be okay. 11hrs and counting..See you soon!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So all my Dr. Oz baby book, and the trillion & one websites I've joined told me nausea could start as early as week 4 or later, like week 6. So here we are Frogg-o, at 5wks6d, and I start off my week w/nausea. And Im not complaining (yet). Not barfy at this point, but defn. not completely on my game. Saltines and a Sprite Zero are calling my name. Im loving every minute of it, because it means you are there, making yourself known. =)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
5wks 1d
So this may be jumping the gun, which is why Im posting it here..instead of on the regular blog..We get to see you in 7 days!!!
How far along? 5wk1d
Maternity clothes? I sure hope not!!
Body Oddities? Boobs hurt, constantly. Just to touch them sends me into spasms. Im such a baby. Also, Froggy, you are tearing up mommy's skin. It was doing really good until recently, Im sure it's due to all the upped hormones, but my goodness. My pores are kind of huge. Oh, and my allergies to our dog? Back in full force.
Sleep? Pretty much tired 99% of the time. Im probably gonna go to bed after I type this. Since last week, it's been in bed b/f 9pm every night. Plus naps on the weekends. The 12 hr days at work aren't helping much.
Best moment this week? Getting to 5wks. Each week seems like a milestone. Oh, and figuring out how to make the Lovenox shots hurt NOT so much.
Worst moment? Freaking out that because I took a bath, I fried you. I took another pg test (blazingly positive) and asked Nurse Laurie if it was okay. She said it was, no more then 20mins though.
Movement? Probably, but I can't feel it yet. Not for awhile.
Food cravings? Pork tenderloin sandwhiches, protein (except chicken) and PASTA!!
Rings? Defn. still on. Haven't gotten swollen hands yet.
Gender? No idea yet for sure..But I have this gut feeling it's a little dude.
Intense Dreams? Pretty vivid. I've always been a vivid dreamer, but these are very detailed.
Medical Concerns? None really..Except hoping everything is going well in there, since so far, all I have are the + tests. Hopefully we have a pic to post next Thursday night.
What I miss? Caffeine!!
What I look forward to: Right now, it's the small things. Seeing a perfectly live baby in the right place next week. Oh, and stopping the shots, but that won't be til the end of the 1st trimester.
Emotional State? Does tired work here? I find myself welling up a lot more often.
How far along? 5wk1d
Maternity clothes? I sure hope not!!
Body Oddities? Boobs hurt, constantly. Just to touch them sends me into spasms. Im such a baby. Also, Froggy, you are tearing up mommy's skin. It was doing really good until recently, Im sure it's due to all the upped hormones, but my goodness. My pores are kind of huge. Oh, and my allergies to our dog? Back in full force.
Sleep? Pretty much tired 99% of the time. Im probably gonna go to bed after I type this. Since last week, it's been in bed b/f 9pm every night. Plus naps on the weekends. The 12 hr days at work aren't helping much.
Best moment this week? Getting to 5wks. Each week seems like a milestone. Oh, and figuring out how to make the Lovenox shots hurt NOT so much.
Worst moment? Freaking out that because I took a bath, I fried you. I took another pg test (blazingly positive) and asked Nurse Laurie if it was okay. She said it was, no more then 20mins though.
Movement? Probably, but I can't feel it yet. Not for awhile.
Food cravings? Pork tenderloin sandwhiches, protein (except chicken) and PASTA!!
Rings? Defn. still on. Haven't gotten swollen hands yet.
Gender? No idea yet for sure..But I have this gut feeling it's a little dude.
Intense Dreams? Pretty vivid. I've always been a vivid dreamer, but these are very detailed.
Medical Concerns? None really..Except hoping everything is going well in there, since so far, all I have are the + tests. Hopefully we have a pic to post next Thursday night.
What I miss? Caffeine!!
What I look forward to: Right now, it's the small things. Seeing a perfectly live baby in the right place next week. Oh, and stopping the shots, but that won't be til the end of the 1st trimester.
Emotional State? Does tired work here? I find myself welling up a lot more often.
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