How far along? 7wks0d
Maternity clothes? Nope, but it's a good thing I get to wear scrubs everyday..My belly is still swollen and tender..and after I eat, even if it is a small meal, ugh, I look 80 months PG.
Body Oddities? Well, this week, I actually experienced my first bout w/"round ligament pain." I didn't know that's what it was, and it was really uncomfortable. I can't believe my body is already growing to accomodate you Frogster. I thought that only happened like when you got big, BIG. Apparently, not.
Sleep? Umm, I crave it. Like other people crave certain foods, I am actually craving sleep. I just feel exhausted..I made DH go out and buy black-out curtains for our room so I could sleep better. We have 72in. windows and the sun just blazes in all the time and makes the room about 10 degrees hotter then the rest of the house. The curtains are a miracle. I'd marry them if I could =)
Best moment this week? You're "urgent" ultrasound on Monday. After feeling the pains, I figured something was really wrong...I talked to Dr.J and he explained what was going on, but for my peace of mind he wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. So during the ultrasound, I got to see you again (still, most photogenic baby EVER) and then there was this sound..Loud & fast..And it was YOUR heartbeat!!! I couldn't believe it. I just giggled, it was so surreal. I have 2 heartbeats..Mine & yours. I wish daddy had been there, but he will be there for our next appt. It was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. Your heartbeat is a beautiful sound.
Worst moment? The scared-ness of the round ligament pain, but after Dr. J (and Dr. Google) explained it, I felt better...and it was pretty cool that you are making yourself known in so many ways, so early.
Movement? Not that I can feel, but my updates tell me that you are moving all the time..I can't wait to feel you!!
Food cravings? CARBS!! Bring it on. But it depends on the day, the nausea has been really bad the past few days..Oh, and donuts!!
Rings? Same as last week, still on, no finger swolleness.
Gender? Not a clue..But now, Im kind of leaning towards girl..but my gut says it's a guy!!
Intense Dreams? Yes. And weird. Like dreaming about people I went to high school or college with. People I haven't seen in 5-8 years. Odd.
Medical Concerns? Not really, each ultrasound makes me feel more positive, like this is really happening!!
What I miss? I still sometimes have a craving for chicken nuggets, but then I see them, and that's it. I don't even miss it really anymore, it just grosses me out for some reason. Oh, and coloring my hair. Now we'll all know what color hair I *really* have..=)
What I look forward to: Seeing you again on July 26th..We'll be almost 9wks..and getting to 12 weeks. And finding out what you are..I didn't know if we were going too, but now, I can't wait..I want to know SO bad!!
Emotional State? Umm, if it's emotional, I start crying. That's all there is to it. Someone tells a sad story? Tears. Someone gets kicked off Hell's Kitchen? Tears. Your daddy just cracks up. So dumb =)
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