Saturday, July 24, 2010


How far along? 8wk3d

Maternity clothes? Not exactly..But I did have to buy some "looser" shirts last week. Some of my tshirts and dressier shirts are a little snug across the belly area and a lot snug in the boob area. I defn. have the start of a bump.

Body Oddities? More round ligament pain..and I thought I had morning (or in my case) all day sickness bad the last 2 weeks?!, very pronounced basically starting exactly on day 1 of wk 8. I am not a fan. I feel sick about 22hrs a day. And tap water makes me throw up, so Im sticking w/my juice, lemonade, & Diet Sunkist.

Sleep? Fatigue is back in a big way this week. I had a couple of days that I felt pretty good, but now, tired all the time. Yawning all the time. But sleep hasn't been as sound as it's been interrupted 2-3x a night by needing to pee and or dry heave. Fun.

Best moment this week? Getting to 8wks. It's the little milestones that make me so happy. And your dad thinks you can hear him, so he talks to my belly (you) all the time. He'll probably be the first voice you recognize. Also, we get to see you again Monday, so that will probably be the "best" moment of week 8. Oh, and your daddy got accepted in the State Police academy!!! That is such a weight lifted from our we will be financially stable and you can be more spoiled ;)

Worst moment? The incessant nausea. And craving bad things, like pizza & pasta. Im gonna be a blimp, and Im betting those will be your favorite foods as well =)

Movement? Still, nothing I can feel. But my little updates say you are "constantly moving." So awesome. Can't wait til I can feel you myself.
Food cravings? I had my first real "craving" on Thursday night. I wanted chili cheese fries something awful, so dad took me to DQ and i had those & a chili cheese hot dog. You were a fan =)
Rings? Same as last week, still on, no finger swolleness.

Gender? Still, no idea. Im waffling. This week, it feels like a boy.

Intense Dreams? Yep, and still weird. A couple of nightmares the past few days, and a few where I needed to pee in my sleep so bad that I woke up and had to use the restroom.

Medical Concerns? Not really concerns, since Dr. J's office calls me back so quickly. The RLP and achiness are normal, the nausea is concerning, along w/my inability to drink water, but I'll talk to Dr. J about that on Monday.

What I miss? Meat. Im pretty much protein free right now. I can't even stomach looking at most meats. I did manage to get down half a spicy italian sub from Subway last night, but it made me nauseated about 2hrs later.

What I look forward to: Seeing you Monday, and getting to double digits (that happens August 4th) and finding out what you are =) Oh and looking pregnant and not just fat.

Emotional State? I am not a crier, so when I well up at stupid stuff, your dad, still, just laughs. Oh, and I can't take any BS. Very moody, cranky. Ugh. But I love it all!!

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