Sunday, August 1, 2010


So baby, mommy hasn't been such a good blogger this last week. You really kicked the all-day sickness up to unbelieveable proportions, so I've been pretty much sleeping if Im not working..But here is your latest update =)

How far along? 9wks 4d

Maternity clothes? Not yet. My old jean capris still fit, albeit w/a ponytail holder going through the button hole..A trick I learned from some blogg friends. You are defn. making yourself known. Oh, and the first few weeks bloatiness? Basically all gone. I actually don't look 6mos. pregnant anymore, and you can see the bump, not just the fat.

Body Oddities? I think Im too alkaline. All I want to drink are acidy drinks (lemonade and pink lemonade being the current favorites). Water still makes me gag and hurl (tap or from the bottle) and I am pretty much off all carbonated beverages. You are a weird one. I also am *in love* w/sour Jolly Ranchers. Im not sure how to fix the whole being to alkaline thing, I'll talk to Dr. J about it in a week. I do think though, that I've had so many JR's that I might have a cavity. Oh good. I hate the dentist on a good day, when Im not PG. Hmm..Here's hoping there isn't one. Oh, and this week, the all day nausea and sickness was bad enough that I had to have Dr. J call in some Zofran. Miracle. But sometimes causes massives headaches, but at least I can eat.

Sleep? Still, interrupted sleep. There were 2 nights in the past week that I was in bed at 8:30 and didn't get up until 7:00am. Im still visiting the bathroom 2-3x a night. But no more nightly dry heaving (hopefully I didn't just jinx it.)

Best moment this week? Seeing you moving around on the ultrasound. It was beyond cool, and is still beyond surreal. You look like a baby now too, and not just an alien frog. But, your nickname sticks. Even grandma's call you Little Froggy. Lovely =) Oh, and daddy got you 2 outfits, Aunt L & Uncle C got you a frog bib (from Rainforest Cafe in Chicago, we will have to take you there) amoung some other gifts you have received. It's pretty rad. We are actually having a baby.

Worst moment? The nerves re-kicked in. IDK why. I just keep thinking at any moment you could die and I wouldn't even know it. IDK what Im gonna do when we move to an OB and I only have ultrasounds like every 2mos. OMG!!
Movement? Nothing I can feel, but I defn. have photographic proof that you are moving and groovin =)

Food cravings? Pizza & salad w/red wine vineagerette dressing. Your dad is SO sick of pizza and I want it all the time, for every meal. Cheese only. Im completely off meat of any kind for the time being. IDK how Im gonna get my protein. Mmm, a salad sounds good right now!!

Rings? Same as last week, maybe a little tighter, but I think that's because it's been so stinkin hot here. I can't wait til Im big pregnant in the summer. That's gonna be fun. Glad it's not happening on our first go round.

Gender? So I've been pretty much convinced you are a boy. I've had no girl thoughts, haven't looked at girl clothes, none of it. Friday night, had the clearest dream ever, and in it, you were most defn. 100%..a girl!! I wonder if momma's dreams are correct. Guess we'll find out next month.

Intense Dreams? Yep. Very detailed. Oh, and those, um sexually based dreams my PG books talked about..1 a night, every night, for the last week. So good, since dad and I aren't currently allowed to color. Hmm, bet he's about sick of that.

Medical Concerns? The alkalinity, and the no protein. I'll have to make sure Im gonna be okay. Dr. J wasn't too concerned about the no water issue, as long as I was keeping some kind of fluids down. He said to try those flavored waters..Uhh..No.

What I miss? Not much. Right now, I can't even think about eating meat, so I don't miss it. I miss not having to pee every couple of hours, but hey, a symptom is a symptom. I'll keep it.

What I look forward to: Finding out what you are!! I mean, besides a baby, which we know. Hopefully we can do this b/f daddy leaves for the academy. Oh and "graduating" from the RE to the OB..which might happen at our next visit..OMG!! Oh, and getting to double digits on Wednesday!!

Emotional State? Still emotional, mostly cranky and moody. Your dad loves it..Except not, but he doesn't get mad, he just laughs and calls me a whiney crankpot (which I completely am). Oh, and still, taking no BS. I've completely got my self-confidence back =)

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