Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Big Babeh

Guess what little girl..You're measuring 3wks ahead!! Can you believe this!? That would make your due date 02-08-10. Oh my!! That's way early!! I get to see you in 2 weeks, cause big babeh=ultrasound. Dr. F just wants to make sure you are actually measuring this early, he's going to measure you and if you are a big girl (which I think you are, since you lodge your head in my ribs every.single.night) then, February it is. I can't wait to see you again. Oh, and your HB was 154. Very nice little girl, very nice.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby & Allie

Froggy Girl..I cannot wait til you meet our other gal, Allie. She is our (and your) Boxer dog. She is so, so cute. And she already loves you. She guards me all the time, no matter what and against everyone..Even though, the majority of the time, that means she is leaning on me. She loves to lay on my belly. I bet you can feel her. Some day soon, when your kicks get really strong, you'll have to give her one. I bet you've heard her bark, she can be loud, but she doesn't bark very often anymore. But she whines, and she "purrs" it's hilarious. All my baby books say that you will be used to her when you are born. That it won't even really affect you when she barks. I can't wait to see if that is true. Can't wait to introduce you to each other!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

20 WEEKS!!!

We're halfway there Froggy girl..And your daddy and I *still* cannot agree on a name.The only one we both like is Aurora...and sometimes Soren. We go back & forth between those 2. I always think of more, but daddy doesn't like them. Here's your update!!

How far along? 20 weeks today!!

Maternity Clothes: Heck yes. Most defn. And scrubs look so freaking ridiculous. Seriously. One pair was ordered way too big, and the other 2 won't fit by the end of the pregnancy. Stupid no PG scrubs. Oh, and I am so sick of sleeping in a bra. But if I don't, the boobies hurt SO BAD.

Body Oddities: Umm...how do I say this? My nipp.les are peeling-ish? I talked to Dr. F about it at my last visit and he said the skin is just hardening for breast.feeding. They hurt something crazy. I've been using some Lasinoh, but that shit make my nips attached to my bra, which then peels off my skin when I take it off. Tons of fun. I'm gonna have to find something else to use. Oh, and leg cramps. They are serious. And I have about 2-3 a night. And then my legs hurt the rest of the day. Gah.

Sleep: I am exhausted. This week, for some reason, I'm averaging 2-4hrs a night. Short nights and long days are making mommy a crab. Work is hard because I'm so tired, and those long hours make me even more tired. It's a vicious circle. I love when daddy is home because I sleep so, so good.

Best moment this week: Getting to 20 weeks!! It's a huge milestone. I cannot believe I'm 5 months pregnant!! We will meet you in 4 months!! That's not that far. When we first started this journey, 9 (actually 10) months seemed so, so long. I can't believe you'll be here that soon. Amazing!!

Worst Moment: The lack of sleep. It's making me forgetful and clumsy..and I'm sure pissing everyone off because I'm completely over-emotional and bitchy.

Movement: I'm sure you are moving. You are very active first thing in the morning. As soon as I wake up, you imm. start jumping on my bladder. It's a good thing there is a bathroom in our bedroom. I'm super ready to feel those "big" kicks, but Dr. F reminded me it might be another 22wks til we feel those. Oh well, enjoying what I feel for now.

Food Cravings: Ice cold drinks. I cannot drink something if it has been sitting out. Back to carbonated lemonade, love it!! And still Gatorade. And no chicken still. Oh, and I was craving chili cheese dogs today, so I had 2 from DQ. So good!!

Rings: Still on, even on the super hot days this week, they felt fine. But I still kind of want the big ol fake ones.

Gender: Still a girl, as far as we know. You're u/s nurse was 100% sure, so so am I.

Intense Dreams: Yep. And kind of freaking me out. Still whack-a-doo.

Medical Concerns: Lots of round ligament pains this week. And my back has started hurting my middle back mostly and my hips. Tons of fun.

What I look forward too: Meeting you & feeling big movements..oh and settling on a name!!

Emotional State: I had 6 meltdowns yesterday, I'm pretty sure that sums it up.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh Little Girl

I wonder if you feel things I am feeling? Do you feel sad when I do? It's not because of you, at all. It's because I miss your daddy so much. You have no idea how lucky you are that he is YOUR daddy. The only man I know who comes close, is my daddy (Grandpa). They are amazing men. I hope one day you find a man as good as him. He just called. He misses you and me. He wishes he could be here w/us. I cannot wait until he can feel you like I feel you (or, at least, what I think is you). You are already amazing. And we love you so much. I just wish we could come up w/a great name. So far, your just, little girl, or baby girl. We'll think of something before March, I promise!! You are laying sideways right now, I think you are asleep. Snooze away baby. Love you!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

18 Week Update

How far along? 18wk5d

Maternity clothes? Oh heavens yes. They are so comfortable. I don't think I want to go back to regular pants ever. My pants have a "secret fit belly" and it's a little thing that rolls up over the belly almost to the boobs and it makes all my pants look normal, not like that are maternity pants. It rolls down all the time. The pants are a little bit big (that makes mommy feel good). But the clothes are so cute, and everyone thinks I look "cute" pregnant..Here's hoping they're not lying.

Body Oddities? Umm, everyone tells me that I'm "all belly" which I think it funny because I wasn't the skinniest girl to begin with b/f I got pregnant. I'm actually all belly and boobs. Oh, and the leg cramps, my goodness, they hurt. But if I catch them before they really take hold, then I can stop them by flexing my toes. That seems to make them go away. But my legs ache all day.

Sleep? I'm averaging about 3-5hrs a night. Daddy is gone to the police academy during the week, and mommy has trouble sleeping w/o him in the house. Plus, every 3hrs (or less) it's a bathroom break and time to use my nasal spray. But I feel tired all the time. I use the weekends to catch up on sleep =)

Best moment this week? Feeling what I think was movement. You don't "flutter" so much as you "bonk." It literally feels like something is bonking into my pelvis, and my left side. And it's heavy. Today, I swear I felt little legs and a foot. And it was all day. I think you are sleeping right now, because I don't feel anything. Then, over the weekend, I didn't really feel much (which worried me) but the websites reassured me that you are still really small, and movements aren't the punches or kicks they will be in a few weeks. Oh, and realizing we are almost to 20 weeks..Halfway!!

Worst moment? I don't know if there was a "worst" moment. I don't like the round ligament pain. It worries me, especially when it feels like a tearing sensation, but it immediately goes away, and there haven't been any other bad symptoms (like bleeding). Oh, and the leg cramps, but those are bearable.

Movement? I think I'm feeling you. I don't know what else it could be. And like I said, it's not a flutter, but more of a heavy sensation. In the car last Friday (w/your dad) it literally felt like I was being tickled from the inside out. I know that was you!!

Food cravings? Gatorade. Back to no water. It's just not sitting well in my belly. Oh, and comfort food, like meatloaf (which grandma so graciously made for us last night), and salisbury steak, and mashed potatoes. So freaking good. And apples, Honeycrisp & Pink Lady.

Rings? Still on, but getting tighter. I think some cute, not cheesy, "fake" rings are in my near future.

Gender? You are undeniably a GIRL!! All those dreams I had were correct..I could not believe it when we found out at your 16wk appointment.

Intense Dreams?  Yes, but they're all whack-doo. Just weird. All kinds of different things and people mixed together. Weird.

Medical Concerns?  The round ligament pains bother me and scare me a little bit and they hurt, sometimes a lot. I may have to talk to Dr. F about if they get any worse.

What I miss? Breathing through my nose. I am so, so congested. Dr. F said that that is normal during pregnancy, and that because of my allergies and asthma, it's exacerbated. It will probably be like this until I deliver.

What I look forward to: Meeting you!! But before that, getting to the halfway point (20wks) which is in a little over a week. So insane that we are almost halfway to seeing you. Oh and feeling BIG movements!!

Emotional State? Emotional, lots. I tear up so easily and I really miss your daddy. I don't tell him all the time because I don't want him to worry too much. But him being gone makes me really lonely. But I'm happy a lot of the time too, especially when I feel you or when dad is around.