Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baby E

Today, well yesterday actually, one of mommy's bloggy friends found out her daughter had died, and she had been kept in the dark about the whole thing. I felt like I had been kicked in the heart. She delivered at 35wks and a few days. Where we are now. I think I must've prayed for 20 minutes after reading her post. For her, for her husband, and for their baby, and then, the hardest for you. We have our pep talks every day, and no matter how much I complain, I do not want you born until you are ready to be part of the world outside of my body. I could not face loosing you. So you just stay put for a few more weeks. 38 is the SOONEST you are allowed to come and I will do whatever it takes to keep you in until then. This has been on my mind all day as I feel you move around, and push back at me to the point I feel that my skin will split. No matter how uncomfortable I am or how much pain it causes, you stay put!! Everyone is saying you are going to come early, only mommy thinks you'll wait til the last minute to make your grand entrance. Dr. F says he's coming to get you if you don't appear by March 9th. I say, you'll wait til March 8th, and you'll be a big girl. I love you so much, my sweet daughter.

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